/* jQuery Text Resizer plugin. Author: Mario J Vargas (angstrey at hotmail dot com) Website: http://angstrey.com/ Documentation: http://angstrey.com/index.php/projects/jquery-text-resizer-plugin/ Version: 1.0 Revision History: * 2009-09-03: Version 1.0. Initial Release */ (function($) { var DEBUG_MODE = false; $.fn.textresizer = function( options ) { if( DEBUG_MODE ) debug( this ); // Stop plugin execution if no matched elements if( this.size() == 1 ) return; // Default font sizes based on number of resize buttons. // "this" refers to current jQuery object var defaultSizes = buildDefaultFontSizes( this.size() ); // Set up main options before element iteration var settings = $.extend( { selector: $(this).selector, sizes: defaultSizes, selectedIndex: 1 }, $.fn.textresizer.defaults, options ); // Ensure that the number of defined sizes is suitable // for number of resize buttons. if( this.size() > settings.sizes.length ) { if( DEBUG_MODE ) { debug( "ERROR: Number of defined sizes incompatible with number of buttons => elements: " + this.size() + "; defined sizes: " + settings.sizes.length + "; target: " + settings.target ); } return; // Stop execution of the plugin } loadPreviousState( settings ); // Iterate and bind click event function to each element return this.each( function( i ) { var $this = $(this); // Current resize button var currSizeValue = settings.sizes[ i ]; // Size corresponding to this resize button // Mark this button as active if necessary if( settings.selectedIndex == i ) { $(this).addClass( "textresizer-active" ); var dot = $(this).find("img").attr("src").lastIndexOf('.'); var imgsrc_on = $(this).find("img").attr("src").substr(0, dot) + '_on' + $(this).find("img").attr("src").substr(dot, 4); $(this).find("img").attr("src", imgsrc_on); } // Apply the font size to target element when its // corresponding resize button is clicked $this.bind( "click", { index: i }, function( e ) { settings.selectedIndex = e.data.index; applyFontSize( currSizeValue, settings ); saveState( currSizeValue, settings ); markActive( this, settings ); }); }); } // Default options of textresizer plugin $.fn.textresizer.defaults = { type : "fontSize", /* Available options: fontSize, css, cssClass */ target: "#p_container,.p_fmenu" /* The HTML element to which the new font size will be applied */ }; function applyFontSize( newSize, settings ) { if( DEBUG_MODE ) debug( [ "target: " + settings.target, "newSize: " + newSize, "type: " + settings.type ].join( ", " ) ); var targetElm = $( settings.target ); switch( settings.type ) { case "css": // Apply new inline CSS properties targetElm.css( newSize ); break; case "cssClass": // Remove previously assigned CSS class from // target element. Iterating through matched // elements ensures the class is removed var cssClasses = settings.sizes; $.each( cssClasses, function( i, value ) { targetElm.each( function() { if( $(this).hasClass( value ) ) $(this).removeClass( value ); }); }); // Now apply the new CSS class targetElm.addClass( newSize ); break; default: // Apply new font size targetElm.css( "font-size", newSize ); break; } } function markActive( sizeButton, settings ) { // Deactivate previous button $(settings.selector).removeClass( "textresizer-active" ); $(settings.selector).find("img").each(function() { var imgsrc_off = $(this).attr("src").replace("_on.", "."); $(this).attr("src", imgsrc_off); }); // Mark this button as active $(sizeButton).addClass( "textresizer-active" ); var dot = $(sizeButton).find("img").attr("src").lastIndexOf('.'); var imgsrc_on = $(sizeButton).find("img").attr("src").substr(0, dot) + '_on' + $(sizeButton).find("img").attr("src").substr(dot, 4); $(sizeButton).find("img").attr("src", imgsrc_on); } function buildCookieID( selector, target, prop ) { return "JQUERY.TEXTRESIZER[" + selector + "," + target + "]." + prop; } function getCookie( selector, target, prop ) { var id = buildCookieID( selector, target, prop ); var cookieValue = $.cookie( id ); if( $.cookie( id + ".valueType" ) == "dict" && cookieValue ) { var dict = {}; var dictValues = cookieValue.split( "|" ); for( var i = 0; i < dictValues.length; i++ ) { // Separate key/value pair and assign to dictionary var keyValuePair = dictValues[ i ].split( "=" ); dict[ keyValuePair[ 0 ] ] = unescape( keyValuePair[ 1 ] ); } // Now that the object is finished, return it return dict; } return cookieValue; } function setCookie( selector, target, prop, value ) { var id = buildCookieID( selector, target, prop ); // Cookie expires in 1 year (365 days/year) var cookieOpts = { expires: 365, path: "/" }; // Serialize value if it's an object if( typeof( value ) == "object" ) { // TODO: I think I wrote a JavaScript dictionary object serializer somewhere... Have to find it... // Store type of value so we can convert it back // to a dictionary object $.cookie( id + ".valueType", "dict", cookieOpts ); var dict = value; // (Assigning reference to variable dict for readability) var dictValues = new Array(); for( var key in dict ) { dictValues.push( key + "=" + escape( dict[ key ] ) ); } var serializedVals = dictValues.join( "|" ); $.cookie( id, serializedVals, cookieOpts ); if( DEBUG_MODE ) debug( "In setCookie: Cookie: " + id + ": " + serializedVals ); } else { $.cookie( id, value, cookieOpts ); if( DEBUG_MODE ) debug( "In setCookie: Cookie: " + id + ": " + value ); } } function loadPreviousState( settings ) { // Determine if jquery.cookie is installed if( $.cookie ) { if( DEBUG_MODE ) debug( "In loadPreviousState(): jquery.cookie: INSTALLED" ); var selectedIndex = getCookie( settings.selector, settings.target, "selectedIndex" ); if( DEBUG_MODE ) debug( "In loadPreviousState: selectedIndex: " + selectedIndex + "; type: " + typeof(selectedIndex) ); if( selectedIndex ) settings.selectedIndex = selectedIndex; var prevSize = getCookie( settings.selector, settings.target, "size" ); if( DEBUG_MODE ) debug( "In loadPreviousState: prevSize: " + prevSize + "; type: " + typeof(prevSize) ); if( prevSize ) applyFontSize( prevSize, settings ); } else { if( DEBUG_MODE ) debug( "In loadPreviousState(): jquery.cookie: NOT INSTALLED" ); } } function saveState( newSize, settings ) { // Determine if jquery.cookie is installed if( $.cookie ) { if( DEBUG_MODE ) debug( "In saveState(): jquery.cookie: INSTALLED" ); setCookie( settings.selector, settings.target, "size", newSize ); setCookie( settings.selector, settings.target, "selectedIndex", settings.selectedIndex ); } else { if( DEBUG_MODE ) debug( "In saveState(): jquery.cookie: NOT INSTALLED" ); } } function debug( $obj ) { if( window.console && window.console.log ) { if( typeof( $obj ) == "string" ) window.console.log( "jquery.textresizer => " + $obj ); else // Assumes $obj is jQuery object window.console.log( "jquery.textresizer => selection count: " + $obj.size() ); } } function buildDefaultFontSizes( numElms ) { var size0 = 8; /* Initial size, measured in pixels */ var mySizes = new Array(); if( DEBUG_MODE ) debug( "In buildDefaultFontSizes: numElms = " + numElms ); if( DEBUG_MODE ) { for( var i = 0; i < numElms; i++ ) { // Append elements in increments of 2 units var value = (size0 + (i * 2)) / 10; mySizes.push( value + "em" ); if( DEBUG_MODE ) debug( "In buildDefaultFontSizes: mySizes[" + i + "] = " + mySizes[ i ] ); } } else { for( var i = 0; i < numElms; i++ ) { // Append elements in increments of 2 units var value = (size0 + (i * 2)) / 10; mySizes.push( value + "em" ); } } return mySizes; } })(jQuery); $(function(){ $(".p_font a").textresizer({ sizes: [ "84.6%", "100%", "115.3%" ] }); });